Pups between the ages of 6 months and 18 months need to be engaged without being frustrated. Frustrate them and they will quit paying attention and seek their fun without you. Saying “NO” causes disengagement. Infrequent reinforcement causes disengagement. Tasks that are hard cause disengagement. What is the solution? Be more fun!
The fun and games of this class is meant to entertain pups and increase their focus by reinforcing them for playing along with you while learning tricks, playing sniffing games and burning some energy with movement. As a side effect your pup will become more purposeful in movement, less worried about “odd” things in the environment, and will learn to get creative in order to earn reinforcers.
This is not an obedience class. It is an engagement class. It is the first of a two-part series. Completing both parts will give you many ideas about how to make your adolescent pup happy and use his brain.
This 4 week class is limited to three Teen Pups who have had a puppy obedience class, basic obedience or the equivalent private training experience. The tuition is $140 for the 4 weeks and we will meet at Front Range Natural Pet.
Movement and Tricks 1 : Movement and Tricks 1 : 7 PM on Wed April 23, 30 and May 7 and 21 (No class on May 14th)
Movement and Tricks 2: begins 7pm Thurs June 5th